

COVID Safe products

The COVID Battle: Shields vs Face Masks

Which Protective Item is Better?

In an effort to reduce the spread of COVID-19, many people have been wearing masks, cloth face coverings and shields. But which protective item is better?

Are Face Shields Successful in Reducing The Spread of COVID-19?

A study published in August 2020 examined how effective face shields are at reducing the spread of COVID-19.

Through visualisations and illustrations, the study found that while face shields did block the initial forward motion of a cough or a sneeze, the expelled droplets were still able to move around the visor and spread out over a large area in an environment.

Using Both For Ultimate Protection

The Australian Department of Health continues to make face masks one of its primary recommendations for preventing the transmission of COVID-19. Many medical experts say a plastic face shield does not provide adequate protection from COVID-19 when used by itself. Instead, experts recommend plastic face shields be used as a supplement to cloth face coverings, not in replacement.

Victoria’s Chief Health Officer, Dr Brett Sutton recommended that Victorians do not wear shields instead of masks.

“You must wear a fitted face mask that covers the nose and mouth. This means that face shields, bandanas or scarves on their own will no longer be considered a sufficient face covering”.

Cole Supplies PPE Masks and Shields

At Cole Supplies, we offer personal protective equipment (PPE) and Covid Safe products, including the Respirator Mask, a specialised type of respiratory device that is useful for blocking large airborne particles. This Respirator features a very tight fit on the face and when worn correctly, prevents 95% of the particles from entering through. Our splash proof shields are suitable for healthcare professionals handling sick patients in a viral environment and are easily cleaned with soap and water, or common household disinfectants.

Browse our COVID Safe products here