Industrial PPE







Workers require specific equipment to protect the entire body from harm or injury on a daily basis in a variety of working environments, including mining operations, building sites and retail evironments. Injuries can be prevented with the right safety equipment, fitted to an individual’s specific measurements. Cole Supplies offers a wide range of personal protective equipment (PPE) to fulfil this important task, including high-quality boots, gloves, helmets, and respiratory, eye, hearing, sun and water protection gear. Our diverse range also includes first-aid kits, sanitation and hygiene products and traffic management gear, ensuring Cole Supplies is a one-stop shop for all your work-related needs.

PPE improves visibility for workers, in addition to ensuring they remain visible with high-vis colours and reflective material. Cole Supplies’ PPE relies on its ingenuity and high-grade features to prevent injuries, protect workers from a variety of weather conditions, and ultimately optimise productivity levels without compromising on safety and comfort.

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